I Paid A Debt Club
Every time you pay off a debt, let us know. We want to congratulate you each and every time you hit that significant milestone in your journey.
Secondly, paying off a debt qualifies you to participate in the Mastering Money “I Paid a Debt Off” Club. This program was designed to help you with your remaining debts. As participants donate to Mastering Money, we will use those funds to payoff the debts of those who have made a commitment to being debt-free and are making progress in doing so.
We want to reward your effort by speeding up the process of being debt free. Those blessed by the program will be randomly selected from the pool of people in the “I Paid a Debt” Club. The more times you come to this site with proof of paying off a debt, the more likely you are to be selected. Complete the information below for your records.
Credit Report Ladder Club
As you climb the ladder of progress in improving your credit report score, let us know. Why? We want to celebrate you.
Although, we are on the road to living a debt-free life, the bottom-line is there may be a time when you must use credit. If that is the case, we want you to be in the best position to minimize your interest.
Focusing on your credit score indicates to lends how likely you are to repay your debt. Not only that, it also indicates that lenders how likely are you to pay it back on time. With a good score, 700+, your interest rates will likely be lower which of course will lower your monthly payments, but more importantly reduce the amount of overall interest you will pay. We want you to keep that money in your pocket.
$500 Savings Club
Every time you save $500, let us know. Saving money is critical to your success in living a debt-free life. Our goal is to congratulate you increase your savings by $500 or more.
When you do, you will be a member of our $500 Club. The goal is to accumulate as many invitations to the clubs as possible. So if your goal is to get $1000.00 in your emergency fund in 90 days, then you should expect to get 2 invitations to the $500 Club in the next 90 days. Being a member of the $500 Club will be significant when Mastering Money comes to your town.
Mastering Money Challenges